Water Resource and Energy Project Consultants Serving Southern California
Water Resource Engineering Associates takes pride in our collective expertise in water resource project analysis, design, and management. We are at the forefront of the Southern California’s water resource industry for formulating groundbreaking strategies that are economically and environmentally sustainable. Be it storm drain design, water treatment design, construction management, economic analysis, or assistance on environmental ecological permit filing, WREA pays equal attention to every client’s needs.
What We Do
Master Planning and Analysis
- Water availability letters (WAL)
- Drainage District Systems
- State Small Public Water Systems
- Water well/beneficial use agreements
- Present and future system requirement evaluation
- Feasibility studies
- Hydraulic analysis of existing and planned facilities
- System modeling and on-site testing
- Hydrology studies
- Capital improvement cost estimating
- Operation cost estimates
- Rate structure cases and studies
- Overall project economics
- Water Rights
Stormwater System Design
- Drainage systems, including culverts and grading
- Detention/retention/clarification/sedimentation Design Element
- Erosion control/first-flush treatment
- Tiledrain and subdrain systems
- Irrigation tailwater recycle systems
- Infiltration systems
- Bank and levee protection
- Outfalls
Local Agencies & Districts Including:
- Watershed Protection, Fire Prevention, Public Works
- Building and Safety, Transportation, Water Resources,
- Groundwater Management, Environmental Health, Planning
- Development Services, Resource Conservation District
Federal Agencies Including:
- U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Fish and Wildlife Service
- National Marine Fisheries Service, Environmental Protection Agency
- Natural Resources Conservation Service
Specific Permits Including:
- Encroachment, building, grading, flood control
- Land development and entitlements, portable water systems, well destruction.
- Construction SWPPs and SWPPPs
- Industrial site SWPPPs NPDES and Waste Discharge Requirements
- Streambed Alteration Agreements
- Section 404 Nationwide and Individual permits
- Section 401 Water Quality Certifications
State Agencies Including:
- Department of Health Services Drinking Water Division
- Caltrans, Regional Water Quality Control Boards
- CA Public Utilities Commission, Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Housing and Community Development, and Office of State Architect
Water System Design
- Domestic/ Potable systems
- Irrigation Systems
- Fire Protection underground systems
- Dual water systems
- Irrigation tailwater recycle systems
- Disinfection, filtration, and treatment systems
Transmission and Distribution:
- Booster pump systems
- Transmission pipelines
- Distribution networks
- Open and enclosed tanks and reservoirs
- Underground Tanks
- Well pump systems
- Surface water inlets
- Subsurface infiltration galleries
- Diversions and siphons
- Canal inlets
Wastewater System Design
- Collection systems
- Lift stations and force mains
- Treatment systems
- Recycle/Reuse systems
- Outfalls
Individual Wastewater Disposal Systems:
- Leach fields
- Seepage Pits
- Advanced Systems
- Dosing Systems
Renewable Energy
Solar PV Project Design
- Feasibility studies for solar PV, battery energy storage, microgrids, EV charging stations, and green hydrogen production
Financial Feasibility Studies
Green Hydrogen Water Supply Design
Battery Energy Storage Project Design
Special Design Elements
- Over-depth trenching
- Slip lining
- Boring and jacking
- Multiple utility trench design
- Dual water and reuse systems
- Trenchless technologies: Horizontal Directional Drilling
Fire Hydrant Flow Testing
- Permitting
- Single & Double hydrant flow tests
- Certified reports
General Civil Engineering
- Grading & Drainage Design
- Road Design
Structural Engineering
- Retaining walls
- Screen walls
- Prefabricated bridge foundations
- Tank foundations
Project Construction Management
- Specifications and contract documents
- Bidding assistance
- Permitting
- Contract review and administration
- Construction observation and management
- Construction cost estimating